Vulgin Uvon
Violence with a side of elegance.
Age: Unknown exact age, assumes early 30's
Sex: Cis Male
Race: Highlander
Birthplace: Gyr Abania
Orientation: Heteroflexible
Marriage Status: Open relationship
Born during the end of the Gyr Abanian civil war Vulgin never knew his parents, a few short years later when the Garlean occupation came instead of relocating to Thanalan Vulgin and some friends he made growing up on the rough streets decided to stick around Gyr Abania and do what they could to partake in the wealth of Garlean invaders. While Garleans were they main targets they did not limit themselves to attacking their convoys. Anyone with an over abundance of riches they thought they should share with the refugees displaced by the war. When they became too known in Gyr Abania they moved to The Sagolii and helped redistribute the wealth of The Ul'dah Syndicate. Vulgin travelled back and fourth between the two places for years until just in his recent past a job went very bad and he was forced to live a more 'civil' life in Ul'dah where he mostly keeps his head low and is grateful that all his bounties in Thanalan are expired or paid off.
Vulgin is a large, hairy, tanned Gyr Abanian man. With a thick, scarred, tattooed, leathery hide he is very much what people imagine when they think of a Highlander. He has many tattoos from his days banditry resource acquisition that mean little to him and were gotten when drunk or on a dare, or both.
Simple does not necessarily mean stupid. This holds true with Vulgin more than most. He exemplifies the simple life style. He more than anything enjoys the simple pleasures. Brawling at The Bloodsands or at his place of employment Shady's. He often overindulges in his vices of women, wine, and brawling. There is a more scholastic side to him but he keeps it well hidden. Having forged fake papers he stole into Sharlayan of all places where he studied Astromancy for nearly a year because "I had questions I wanted to ask the universe."